A Guest Post from Kimberley at South Coast Placenta
“She did WHAT with her placenta?”
It's no secret that the practice of placenta encapsulation is becoming more widespread. Once the reserve of earth mothers and celebrities, you're now much more likely to hear that your next door neighbour had their placenta encapsulated after birth and enjoyed the benefits.
But what exactly IS placenta encapsulation? How is the placenta encapsulated? Why do people choose to encapsulate their placenta?
How is my placenta encapsulated?
To make your capsules, your specialist will:
rinse the placenta,
divide into smaller pieces (If you choose steamed capsules there will be an extra steaming stage here)
dehydrate it (dry it out)
grind the dried placenta into a powder and finally
hand fill cellulose capsules with the dried powder.
(Please note that this is just a summary to simplify the process. There are also many safety checks and reports throughout the process.)
This process turns the placenta into a convenient, easy to take, palatable form so that you can take advantage of all of the vitamins and hormones that it contains in order to feel your best after your baby has been born.
Why on earth would someone want to consume their placenta?
Many people anecdotally report that the capsules enhance their postnatal recovery, giving them increased energy, improved mood, balanced hormones and quicker healing. Some anecdotal reports also cite improved milk supply if you are breastfeeding. However, if you are concerned about your supply once your baby is here, it's best to seek qualified support such as a Breastfeeding Counsellor or IBCLC. Correct positioning and attachment and/or support with expressing is the only proven way to increase your milk supply.
How can a placenta support my postnatal recovery?
While we do not yet have any large scale studies which prove a link between taking placenta capsules and enhanced healing, mood and energy, we DO know what placenta contains and the effects of these elements physiologically on the body and this ties up overwhelmingly with vast anecdotal feedback we have globally from clients.
Your placenta contains:
Prolactin: One of the hormones responsible for lactation
Urokinase inhibiting factor: An immune system booster that helps to protect against postpartum infections
Prostaglandins: Hormones that have anti-inflammatory properties
Cortisone: Combats stress and unlocks energy stores. Fights depression
Cytokines: Fibroblasts that trigger cell metabolism and replacing of damaged cells
Oxytocin: The LOVE hormone essential for facilitating bonding and breastfeeding
Iron: An essential mineral for oxygen absorption in the cells which in turn provides more energy
Stem cells & growth factors: Play a key role in healing the detachment site left inside the uterus after birth by the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall
Interferon: Stimulates the immune system to protect against infection
Corticotropin: CRH or the corticotropin releasing hormone is responsible for reducing stress levels
Interesting - How can I find out more? Isn’t it a faff to arrange?
The whole process is designed to fit around you and to be as simple and unobtrusive as possible during this special time of life. To receive an information pack with more details pop here or visit the South Coast Placenta website at southcoastplacenta.co.uk
where you can also read testimonials of my many happy clients.
It’s not exactly something that you look into everyday so I am on hand to answer any questions you may have via southcoastplacenta@gmail.com or 07912 217219. Mention that you were referred by Katie at Heavenly Hypnobirthing for a £10 discount!